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Friday, June 18, 2010

I finally found ....

A website that sells Tomme Tippee bottles for a reasonable price! Chloe loves these bottles and they fit perfectly in her hand, but they are impossible to find. The few sites I've found them either don't have any in stock or the price is double! These are awesome bottles for breastfed babies as the nipple shape is closer to a mother's natural shape. They are super soft and don't bother when she's teething! The website has so many baby products, including my favorite gDiapers in color two packs and the hard-to-find pink ruffle. I'm officially addicted. My husband can't work the gDiapers though, so I think I'll order more bumgenius all-in-ones just for him. I'll try anything to get him to change a diaper!
I'm massively addicted and obsessed with cloth diapers. They're so cute, and there's so many styles to choose from! And I really like the fact that if I don't like it, I can sell it and I haven't lost a bunch of money- unlike the 30 opened packs of disposables! I hate seeing all that wasted money just sitting around.

For less exciting news, both boys are sick. Austin has an ear infection and Will has a cold. Austin will be better within a week, Will tends to stay sick for a while. He's been so cranky- the only thing that made him happy yesterday was sitting in top of the kitchen table eating grapes from a cup. He refused a plate, but the cup was fun! Hopefully all the kids will sleep better tonight- I'm exhausted! Chloe was up until 4am, and Will woke up at 6. Mommy needs a nap!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

I've realized...

My kids have taken over my life. If I want to run to the store, I have to think if it's really worth getting three kids dressed, loaded, and unloaded then taking them in the store, repeat. I no longer think "What do I want for dinner?" anymore. It's turned into "What can I make for the kids?" And as I sit in my newly cleaned house, I realize they have taken over that too. My living room is a mass of baby products, my kitchen has transformed into baby-proof zone and I step over toys daily. I dream of what my living room will look like as my kids grow. No longer will there be two highchairs, a bouncer, a swing, a pack-n-play...soon these will be replaced with backpacks and school books, sneakers and gym bags, and crowded with friends. And when I think of teenagers taking over my house, I much prefer the baby things. Though I can't help but think how much space I'll have. There won't be an entire cabinet dedicated to bottles and baby food. There won't be a closet full of diapers and crib sheets. And, someday, there will no longer be three overflowing toy boxes. I don't want to rush the baby phase, and I try to enjoy every possible moment with my precious little ones, but my mind tends to wander. What will I do with my time when I'm not playing peek-a-boo and changing diapers all day? I suppose I will go back to work one day, but for now I'm enjoying my kids. Even if it means having a cluttered home.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


YAY! My mom and sister came over today and we actually got my house cleaned up! All the dishes are washed, laundry is done and put away, you can see my living room floor!! They were absolutely amazing for helping me out. My mom bought food and paper plates so I didn't have to cook or clean up, and they entertained the kids while I got work done or washed some dishes and folded clothes while I fed the babies. Now my house looks great and I really think I can keep it up. We got a little pool for the kids and they played for a while. Will is still a little unsure of it, be he didn't fight it the whole time. Chloe is napping peacefully while I'm finishing up a few things. It's been a great day!

Monday, June 14, 2010

It's been a few days..

since I last wrote. Things have just been a little crazy around here lately. The good news: we actually managed to get some cleaning done. The bad news: it still doesn't look like it. We had to spray for bugs in the kitchen, so everything from the kitchen got moved to the living room. Kitchen looks great! Living room, not so much. But the laundry is at least clean and ready to be folded and most of the toys are out of the way. My house will be so pretty when my kids move out! My living room has been taken over by baby things. The swing, Pack-n-Play, bouncer, walker, car seats...The walls are lined with baby products. My home is an ad from Baby-R-Us.
I did get my new ring sling on Saturday! I was so excited and couldn't wait to try it out! It took a little while to adjust and learn all the holds, but now I'm back to full time babywearing. I love having Chloe close enough to kiss whenever I so desire. I was able to get some work done and even enjoy some peaceful TV time while she nested comfortably on my chest.
On a depressing note- one of my diapers was thrown away. Not by me, of course, I guard them with my life. But I didn't get a chance to change Will before he left for Grandma's and she felt so inclined to get rid of it. I was pretty upset. I spent so much time picking out just the right ones, and so much money ensuring I had enough. I've left messages asking about it, but no response. Maybe I will just go to her house and throw away some of her shoes. Then she will understand my undying love for my cloth.
My family is coming to visit today, so it should be an interesting evening. I'm sure I will have plenty to say about that later!
UPDATE: My family just left. We had a wonderful visit! They were amazed at my pretty cloth diapers and the new Boon Spoon. I'm nuts, I know, but I like to show off my baby stuff! The kids were all well behaved and no visit from the other Grandmother! :) I managed to get at least some clothes folded. But right now I'm more focused on finding me something for dinner.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

I just wanted to show off some of my cute kids!!





This is by far the funniest blog I have ever read! I crack up every time I see it. The combination of computer-yet-child-like artwork with her witty sense of humor and amazing writing skills keep me endlessly entertained!
I recommend checking it out. She is absolutely brilliant!
It's been a loooong day! My PPD go the best of me, and I just felt like crap. I am hungry with nothing to eat, my new diapers are torn up, my new ring sling isn't here yet and the house still looks like a disaster despite hours of work. I took out 5 bags of trash, attempted to do more dishes, picked up the living room- and I still can't tell a difference.
On the bright side, Will tried to say a few more words. "Aunt Christa" "Bible" and "I love you". Of course they didn't sound anything like that, but he tried!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Well, I got rid of the boys for a couple hours. Chloe took a nap, so I actually got to eat lunch! Then I got the bills paid, 5 bags of trash taken out, the living room picked up and the baby cabinet organized! Still have tons of dishes to wash, but I don't think that will ever change!
For all of those who are considering cloth- and especially those who can't convince their husbands- check out this blog:
It gives great info, including tips on convincing the hubby.
I'm so talented! I can make all three kids scream at once! Step1- put Chloe down. Step 2- Send Austin to his room. Step 3- Wash dishes. It fools Will into thinking you're making me food, and he has a massive meltdown when he discovers the truth.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Chloe loves her new stuff! She got her first pairs of BabyLegs today and a Boon Spoon. I love them!
I'm tired already and haven't even started baths! But Austin was sent to bed early, so that makes it a little bit easier. He's been acting up so much lately. And I keep getting yelled at for it! It's not my fault I can't take him to the park or let him ride his bike down the street. It's not a safe area for him to go alone, and it's impossible to get out with all three kids when it's 100 degrees outside! Life is so frustrating!
Well, I can't say today was completely uneventful. Will was a little monster. First, he covered Chloe in PEPPER. I'm still not sure how he got it. She was perfectly happy and I come in to find him emptying the pepper shaker on her. She didn't seem to mind, but pepper is hard to wipe off. Then he was throwing a fit, and somehow managed to shut his fingers in a door. By the hinge. How does one do this? Especially one whose arms aren't long enough to reach the door knob and the hinge at the same time. He never ceases to amaze me. He rather enjoyed bath time with sister while Austin played on the computer. I was too tired to fight with them, so I put the babies in the tub together and just put everyone to bed a little later. But, all in all, it wasn't a horrible day. Just tiring.




Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I'm exhausted!

Bath time is getting to be quite a chore. I use to love giving the kids baths. We could talk and play and splash happily with no care. Now, it's a 2 hour marathon of running around, finding and changing clothes, cleaning up water, fixing bottles and sippy cups and lots of tears. Will loves the bath. He hates getting out. Every night he has a meltdown when he's asked to get out. Austin could care less either way, but is so difficult to wash! He doesn't wash himself well, just his thighs and belly area. So Mommy has to take over. Chloe won't sit still to save her life. She gets so excited and kicks and wiggles. She requires all hands on deck. By the time all is said and done, and I'm through running up and down the stairs getting everyone tucked in, I am exhausted! And ready for dinner! :) Man I wish I could afford a nanny...
Some of my pretty cloth diapers!





Why I Choose Cloth

I thought it would be nice to put some more information out there about WHY I love my cloth diapers. Most people think I'm criminally insane at the very thought of washing a dirty diaper. I am out to prove them wrong!

For my family, with two kids in diapers:
Case of disposables: $35 x 2 kids = $70 We went through about a case and half every month (per kid). 70 x 1.5 = $105 a month.
IF both my kids are potty trained by 36 months (2 and half years old) we would spend $3150 on diapers. This does not include the cost of Pull Ups for potty training, or purchased diapers that were outgrown before use.

Cloth diapers: I bought one-size pocket diapers for $10 each. I bought 30 so I would have enough for two kids and wash every other day. Total cost of diapers $300 from birth to potty training.

Here is a link to cost savings calculator, which factors in which type of diapers used, the cost of water and electricity usage from washing, and the cost of detergent. I recommend checking it out for a very accurate cost-savings comparison.

Disposables: $3150 - Cloth $300 = $2850 saved! What could you do with an extra $2850?

This also does not cover the re-sale value (yes, you can buy and sell used cloth diapers) or what you would save on using them for multiple children. Even if I only sold them for 10% of what I paid (they usually sell for 15-50%), then I would make back $30! What do you get back when you use disposables? Nothing! Decide to have another baby? Great! You don't have to buy more diapers! If you had 2 kids in disposables for $3150 (birth to potty training), then decided to have two more, you would spend $6300 on DIAPERS!!! If you used cloth, you'd never have to buy another diaper again! You could save thousands!!

I've found that I actually wash a little less laundry since switching to cloth. Wish disposables, we always had blowouts, causing multiple outfit changes, bedding changes, bouncer and swing covers washed. It was always a mess. But with cloth, we never have blowouts or leaks! I no longer have to change and wash 3 or 4 outfits + blankets everyday. I just wash a load of diapers 2-3 times a week. It's much easier than I ever expected! I love the cute patterns, how soft they are, and how few rashes we get! We always got diaper rashes with disposables, no matter what brand we used or how often we changed them. I'm proud to announce we haven't had a single rash since switching to cloth!

I hope new parents will at least consider the option of cloth diapers. These aren't your grandma's prefolds and pins! Cloth diapers have a come a long way. They have snaps and velcro, covers built in, cute prints, trimmer fit and come in a variety of styles! I wish more people would consider cltoh, if not for the cost savings, for the environment, for the baby's comfort, and for earlier potty training! The list of benefits go on and on, but I like that I can save money, while NOT using chemicals on my precious baby's bum!

So tired!

I THOUGHT all the kids would sleep so well last night after running around all day. Austin got up several times because he was too hot. Chloe got up 5 times to eat, and Will only woke up once. Then I had to get up early to take Austin to get fitted for a tux. The kids were wild and cranky all day. I am so worn out. But I just now got to eat some dinner. YUM White Castle burgers!
I ran out of clean diapers tonight, so Will had to go to bed in a sposie. I know he'll leak horribly and be soaked in the morning. I left all my diapers in the wash yesterday while we went to the water park. So by the time I got all the diapers washed and hung up, they didn't have time to dry before he went to bed. Luckily, I had several g's clean, so Chloe still had some. I just don't have enough OS Pockets for Will! I can't wait to get some more. I never want to put him to bed in a sposie again! UGH!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Fun day out

We went to the water park today! It was a nice change from the confinement of the living room. The kids LOVED the pool. Chloe took to it right away, Will needed a little help. But once he got the idea, he was splashing and kicking in no time! We went for pizza afterward and everyone passed around the baby so Mommy got a chance to eat! Will was flirting all through dinner, but at least he ate something. His teeth are still coming in and his gums are a little swollen, but he's back to normal for the most part. Unfortunately I did not get a tan :( But at least nobody got sun burned!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Day of Church

Well, of course we didn't make it to church on time! That would just be crazy! But we managed to catch at least most of the sermon. Enjoyed a relaxing lunch with my parents. Dad watched the boys while Chloe and Daddy napped. The picnic was great. The boys got to run around and Chloe enjoyed some fresh fruits. They were adorable, and my bath tub was filled with sand from the playground. Now the boys are in bed and its time for Mommy to relax!

Been a good day...

Well, the car got cleaned out, the lawn got mowed, the boys had some birthday cake and I got a decent shower! All in all it was a good day. Now all the kids have clothes laid out, diaper bags packed, and breakfast ready to go. I think we actually have a shot at getting to church on time. I am excited to see my face is looking so much better! The new skin care stuff I ordered is doing wonders! No more acne, no more dry, peeling skin, and no more painful chapped lips! It smells great, and I love the free bag it came with! But I'm a sucker for purses :) All my new diapers are washed and packed or put away. The boys got new clothes from MIL (very cute) and Chloe got a little dress. Austin made a mountain in the back yard with the grass clippings! He had to take a bath solo tonight.
Lee had a pretty good birthday (I think). He got money from his parents, a nice -yummy- cake, and a night out with the boys. Now we'll just see if he survives tomorrow morning! For some reason, getting ready for church is a fight every time! By the time we get to church we need church! But I can't wait to show off my cuties (and their cute new diapers) at the picnic!

Here is Will enjoying Daddy's cake:

And here is playing with sister. He really loves her!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Fluffy Mail!!!

YAY- I got a few more of my diapers today! Not all of them, but four more g's and prefolds to go in them! I've been waiting on these for weeks. I'm so excited, Chloe is going to look so cute tomorrow!! Just had to share!

My new stuff:



My entire stash:



Friday, June 4, 2010


It's 10pm, ALL the kids are sleeping, and I'm up waiting on hubby. But I did get a short nap today! :) MIL took the boys for the afternoon while Chloe and I got some rest.
Today is hubby's birthday- he's now 27. That seems so old! I've never paid much attention to our age difference, but 21 and 27 seems like such a big gap. I like to remind him he's pushing 30. :) I think I'll let him sleep in tomorrow, at least for a bit, then we'll just have a quiet night at home. Or, at least as quiet as it can be with three kids.
I've been shopping around for a new baby carrier. My favorite sling was recalled, and the one I have now is bulky and difficult to work. Between that and my cloth diaper addiction, we're going to be forever broke. But I haven't bought anything in over a week. :( I'm hoping to get just a few more diapers to complete my stash, once I sell off my small diapers, and then be done with it. But they're just so cute and hard to resist!!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

So Sad :(

Just found out my dearest sister will not be moving home anytime soon. The job offer she's been wanting hasn't happened yet. So she will be taking a local job for the next year. I was really hoping she would get a job here and move back home! I miss her and haven't been able to spend more than a week with her in 5 years. My kids miss her, she is their favorite toy! Hopefully she can move back soon and not miss the precious baby years of her niece and nephews.

Someday I'll sleep!

JUST when I think things will get better...Chloe went to bed at 9pm last night!! She slept for four hours straight! I thought I was going to get some rest, but Will decided he couldn't let that happen. He woke up 5 or 6 times. I just noticed this morning he is cutting 2 MORE teeth, in addition to three from yesterday. FIVE teeth coming in at once! Poor guy. His gums are swollen and I'm sure it hurts. I gave him some Tylenol and he's napping now, but I think he'll have baby food popcicles for dinner. On the bright side, Chloe learned to roll over!! She's rolled all over the living room today. Which has given me much needed time to take care of laundry. The kids clothes are now all organized and put away, hall closet and nursery closet organized, diapers are all washed and mommy had a Snickers for her treat!