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Wednesday, July 28, 2010


A friend of Lee's from work invited us to go out Saturday night! Finally, a night out with adults. Their daughter is going to keep the babies and Austin is staying with Grandma. They used cloth diapers on their kids, so I'm especially excited to show off my stash! I have no idea what we're going to do. A walk downtown and probably hit a bar or club. And I'm so nervous! It's not really my scene, and I certainly cannot dance, so the evening should be interesting. I'm sure Chloe will be fine, but I do worry about Will. He just isn't used to leaving Mommy.

On a different note, I've started altering our daily routine to match Austin's new school schedule. Now the babies can take a nap while he's at school, and be up in time to pick him up. Which saves me so much grief! Now if Chloe would just fall into place I'd be all set. However, this little princess has plans of her own. And none of them include sleep. One day I will sleep through the night again, completely uninterrupted. And it will be heaven. Until that day, my zombie-like state of grogginess- which happens to match my zombie-like complexion- will just have to suffice. I'm learning to function quite efficiently on a few short hours of sleep.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

It's been too long

I can't believe it's been this long since I posted, things have just been crazy. The kids got sick (again), we're trying to get Austin ready for school and Lee is going back to school. We've had doctor visits and interviews. I've been exhausted. Now both babies have a bad rash I can't get rid of. First we thought it was yeast, but the treatment isn't helping. They're very uncomfortable :( So life has been a little hectic. Hopefully in the next few weeks things will settle down and life can return to somewhat normal.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

My kids are so sweet!

Both babies were being extremely difficult tonight. FIghting sleep and screaming. I could take no more. I put Chloe in her crib and Beautiful in the big bed and left them to CIO while I made a bottle and snack. Suddenly they got VERY quiet. I sneak in, and Beautiful had gotten out of bed, sat next to the crib, turned on the crib gym music and was rubbing Chloe while "singing" her to sleep. Once he was satisfied she was asleep, he just walked back to his bed and layed down.

I sat there by the door trying not to cry loudly. He was so sweet! They are generally inseparable, so they always make each other happy. He was adorable trying to sing.

Monday, July 5, 2010

My Complete Stash






Sorry it's been so long

The past couple weeks have been so hectic! All three kids got sick, then the babies ended up with pneumonia. Not fun! Once we got them all better, Will got a pretty serious burn on his stomach. Also not fun. Lee was off work the last week for plant shut-down, so we've been having family time. We took the kids to the water park one day. They had a blast! I got started sewing some stuff, but haven't gotten much done since I haven't had time. Today I went out with my mom and sister. It was a nice girl's day out- without the kids! While shopping was very frustrating, it proved fruitful. I got some jeans and a couple shirts and new pair of shoes! I have yet to see an occasion to wear my new clothes, but the day will come! And, perhaps MY most exciting news, I finally got the rest of my cloth diaper order! YAY! My stash is finally complete! I am happy with it, though I'm planning on sending a few to fellow mom in need. We don't use them much anyway. Pics to follow, but that's the short version of the past two weeks.




